9. Outgoing Email

Starting from the latest update (v. ), you can monitor the outgoing correspondence via Store Manager in the "Outgoing Email" section.

Go to Tools -- >Outgoing Email

There is the list of all email messages sent from the store.

General details, such as IDs, the status of the message(s), the email address of the recipient and the sender and the date of sending indicator, are available on the upper side of the page.

In the "Status" column there is a list of possible options that correspond to different states of a message: "Outgoing", "Send", "Delayed" and "Error".

You can change the status of the chosen message independently from the drop-down list in the identical column.

The content of the notification, called "Body", and the attachment(s) are situated in the lower area of the window:

Take a note, if any error occurs during message(s) transferring, you can see the errors log at the far right corner.

To schedule sending on a specific date and time, use the built-in scheduler. It can be opened by clicking the last column of the selected message.

Once the parameters are indicated, press [OK] to save changes.