5.1 Search Users


The "Search" option calls the form in which you can specify:

  • "Text to search"

Note: if you specify the * sign in the "Text to search" field, the whole user's list will be shown in the result table below.

  • "Fields to search in" from the drop-down list:

  • "Fields match condition":

  • The search conditions:

  • "Number of rows" to be shown in the search results.

In the results table data that matches your requirements will be displayed.

To go directly from the search form to the customer, you have to double-click selected user.

  • Create your own parameter based on the filtered data. Use the option at the bottom of the "Search" form:

After this, you can see the parameter among the others on the "User" page (as shown on the illustration below):

The useful article contains information on the current theme:

WooCommerce Customer Management