5.3 Import Users


Please note, before import implementation, in case you perform it at the first time, we strongly recommend to make a backup of your store database!

You can make a backup using Tools -> Database Backup/Restore

Open the Import wizard from the top toolbar of the Users page.

or call the context menu vith the right-click:

The first step of the wizard requires specifying the filename and the file path in the upper field. For more convenience, use the browse button.

Take into account the "Select import source" area. There are three variants of the possible location of a file:

  • "Local file" in case your import file is placed on your computer and you can specify the local direction to it.

  • "HTTP URL to file" - your file is on a web-server and you have access to that server and its directories.

First of all, check URL in your browser. If you have the opportunity to open and preview the file by using current file URL path - it is available and you can proceed with the import.

  • "FTP URL to file" - this field serves to specify the file path located on a FTP server. Check your FTP credentials before filling the form shown below:

Go to Preferences - > FTP and press the [Test Connection] button to verify settings. If you get the following message:

You have an opportunity to specify FTP details and FTP directory in the current form. Otherwise, you should contact your hosting company to clarify your FTP access details.

To move to the next step of import click the [Next (Page Down)] button at the bottom. In order to move to the import step you need, without going through all the steps gradually, use the numbered boxes with the names of the import steps inside on the left.

2. Select fields delimiter and quote characters page contains some important settings to separate data.

The typical delimiters are the comma (,), semicolon (;) and tab character ( ), however other symbols can be used as well.

On the preview table, as shown below, you can see how selected delimiter affects the data displaying.

"Quote string values with" specifies the character used to separate strings in the CSV file. Leave this field unchanged.

In case there are the field names in the first row of import file (see an illustration below),

do not forget to select the corresponding checkbox at this step of import.

If your file looks like on the image below you should leave this field unselected:

3. Fields linking is the most important step of the whole import process and requires to assign the columns from a file to the relevant fields in your store database.

Use the drop-down list to find the necessary source field:

Or select the field on the left and double-click the corresponding columns on the right to make it assigned to the selected position.

"Identification Fields" in import. Select the necessary positions by which the WooCommerce import will search for a user. The users will be modified, if found, if not - new user will be added.

By using the top toolbar you can facilitate the linking procedure.

[Auto Link All] helps to link all possible columns from a source file to the most suitable fields from the store database. Please note, it works only when the file columns names are the same as the store database fields.

[Unlink All] clears all "csv col" values at the left pane.

< - Use these options to link or unlink the selected positions separately.

Check if all necessary data is linked with the relevant columns from a source file.

Note: the fields that have the relevant CSV columns assigned, will be updated, and all the others - unassigned - will not be changed.

You also have the possibility to extend the current import functionality by adding the appropriate formula - expressions. With the simple expression, you can combine some values positions in the relevant fields of the store database or add additional data to your imported details. For example, if the Website name is not specified in your import file, it can be added by executing the following expression:


where COL(x) refers to the column's number in the CSV file that matches the website information:

Press the [Insert value from import source] button on the toolbar to select the necessary fields value from the drop-down list.

To check the correctness of this formula press the [Execute Expression] button. You will get the result in a lower pane of the editor form.

If you want to add more complex transformation to your imported data, for example, extract certain positions from the database or group data by a certain position, add a condition, under which the data will automatically change their values, etc. This is possible, provided queries to the database tables. It requires some SQL skills. Please check the following chapter about the Custom SQL section of Store Manager.

To create the appropriate query open the Editor form with the [Add Custom SQL] button.

To delete the extended formula from the SQL list, use the button for removal:

A separate part of the current window occupies an area to create the skip rules. In other words, conditions under which the import data will be skipped - not be imported.

By using the sign with the plus, you can create as many rules as you need. To remove selected rules from the list, press the minus sign. Then fill the form that appears:

    • Specify the rule’s type value - from resource file, from store database or from the expression.

    • Indicate the value which will be used for your rule.

    • Clarify the equation sign between the two parts of the rule.

If you use the expression formula, you should specify the value to which this expression will be used. You can take if from the store database or from a file’s data.

If the main actions on this step are done, you can go to the final page of import process - "Options."

4. Select the necessary method for processing import data at the top:

  • To add new item, if it is not already in your store database, and modify the existing ones, select "Add and Modify"

  • Add only new records without any additional changes in the store - "Add Only"

  • Only update the existing items but not add new ones, even if the importing products do not currently exist in the store database - "Modify Only"

  • The last option - "Just Add" allows to add the products from a file as a NEW without searching or validating existing data. Be careful, this action can lead to the duplicate records at your database!

Press the [Show advanced options] button and you will see the base date/time formats and value’s separators.

You can specify the row number, from which you want to start importing, and the row number, to which the data will be used in the process.

The fields already contain default values, which may be changed, if necessary. You can set the default settings on this step after pressing the [Set Default] button.

Please take into account!

One of the latest updates in Store Manager for WooCommerce (starting from ver. 1.15.0:979) passwords of users may not be rehashed after importing. There is a corresponding condition available in the Advanced Options form of the Import wizard:

To check the data for import before the start of transmission, click the [Preview import data] option . You will see the preview table in a separate window:

Attention! The import process will start, when you press the [Import] button!

The last window of the WooCommerce Import wizard displays results and errors, if any emerged in the course of the import process.

To use these configuration settings in the future, save them directly to the wizard, or to a separate file, by clicking the corresponding button.

To have an opportunity to use current import settings in the next import processes, save them to a separate file or directly to the wizard list:

You can also remove selected configuration or clear all configurations at once with one-mouse-click on the corresponding option from the drop-down menu.

The [Finish] button allows to exit the wizard and check data after import at your store.