4.3. Search Orders


The Search option on the Orders toolbar allows to find necessary orders.

This option is located on the top toolbar of the "Orders" section or in the context menu after a right-click:

After pressing the corresponding button, the "Search" form will appear:

Firstly, specify an orders data to find, like order status, customer name, total order price etc. in the "Text to search" row:

Then, select the search range in the "Match condition" field.

  • "Any word" - The search will be executed for each word entered in the "Text to search" row. The search will take into account any part of that word. For instance, if you enter "semiconductor", the result will show orders with "semiconductor", "conductor" or any other related to the search word.

  • "All words" - The search will take into account the whole phrase in the "Text to search" row similarly to the "Any words" condition.

Under "Any word" and "All words" conditions you can enter several letters or symbols and search for the similar results.

  • "Exact phrase" - The search will be executed for each word entered in the "Text to search" row. Under this condition, the search will take into account the words as a whole. For instance, if you enter "semiconductor", the result will show orders with "semiconductor" only. The results with the parts of the search word won't be shown.

  • "Exact match" - The search will be executed for the whole phrase specified in the "Text to search" row similarly to the "Exact phrase" condition.

"Fields to search in"

Indicate required identifiers, which will be considered during search process, from the drop-down list:

Check as many positions as you need for search identification.

Select the necessary option in "Fields match condition":

  • "AND" - The search results will include orders with the necessary value in all fields selected in the "Fields to search in."

  • "OR" - The results will include orders with the necessary value at least in one of the fields selected in the "Fields to search in."

Mark a check-box in the "Instant results" field if you want to see search results instantly after you've entered the text in the search row.

Using the up and down arrows specify the "Number of rows" that will be displayed in the search form:

Press the [Search] button to start searching. You will see the results of your search in the table below. If you want to go directly to a specific order in the result table, double-click it with the mouse.

There is also the possibility to change the columns you see in the result table. Press the [Columns to preview] button that opens the drop-down list with the columns. Select those you want to be shown in the results.

Press [OK] to close the search form.