5.2 Export Users
To transfer your store customer list to a .csv file use the Export Wizard tool on the Users page of Store Manager. Press the following options:
1. The first step of the wizard is the page where you should specify a file name for exported data.
Check FTP details, firstly, by moving to the Preferences of Store Manager-> FTP.
The [Test Connection] button helps to verify the specified FTP credentials. You should get the next message to be able to proceed:
If you haven't access to your FTP server, please contact your hosting provider to resolve this issue.
"Load configuration" field allows uploading previously saved export configuration, if any.
This significantly speeds up the passage of the following steps of the export.
Use the following ways to proceed with export:
2. The "CSV delimiter" page gives an opportunity to choose the appropriate delimiter character and quote string values.
The typical delimiters are the comma (,), semicolon (;) and tab character ( ), however other symbols can be used as well.
"Quote string values" - this field specifies the character used to separate strings in the CSV file.
3. Next step is "Fields to export." This page is divided into two panes:
Or use the options in the middle
< - to transfer fields one by one
< - to move them all at once.
And, conversely,
< - to return one by one field to their previous positions in the left press this option
< - or bring back all fields at once.
To use the expression formula to customize exported data, open the Expression Editor form after clicking the option at the top.
Expression helps you to increase/decrease products price after export, combine some values positions in the relevant fields of store database, send items in the "Out of Stock" mode automatically provided that their quantity becomes "0" and more. Use the [Help] button on the top for more details on expression special syntax with provided examples.
To add more complex formula that allows to make changes to your store database tables you should have some SQL skills. This can be done the Custom SQL editor.
To launch the editor form directly from this step of export use the [Add extended expression field] option.
Check this chapter about the Custom SQL section of Store Manager to better understand its functionality.
If the export file should contain the field names in the first row, select the corresponding checkbox at the top toolbar. In other cases, leave it unselected.
4. On the "Export options" step you can choose a number of records you want to export:
And also check the multiple records separator - delimiter between multiple fields value.
You can press the [Set Default] button to recover default settings.
After pressing the [Export] button you start transferring your data.
5. On the "Export results" step you can see the following actions below:
Check the one you want to be performed.
Do not forget, in order to use the current export configuration during the next export processes, you should save it to the Wizard list or to a separate file.
Use the [Save configuration] option to choose the necessary storage location.
If you have any unused or inactive configurations, you can remove them from the wizard list by using the [Delete configuration] option . To clear all configurations export list at once - press "Clear list".
Hit [Finish] to exit the Wizard . Your data have been exported.