1.9. Application Language


You can change the language of the software with the option on the left bottom menu or in Preferences -> Localization.

In the first case, you should click the "Preferences" button in the bottom left of Store Manager or press F12 and press Localization.

You will be taken to the "Localization" section of Store Manager.

Choose one you need and the program's interface will be displayed in the selected localization.

Please take into account the degree of the application's translation while changing languages. Small percentage of the translation - more data in program's interface will be shown in the default (English) language. So choose the language with the highest percentage for the correct data display.

Take into account the following options opposite each language position:

  • Download and install language in Store Manage's. If you have not used the language yet and want to activate the necessary one, you need to press an option to get the installation package:

  • Information sign moves to the language translation page at crowdin.com site where you can monitor the status of the installation process and have an opportunity to join the tralslation process.

  • The range of the translation level in percentage. Take into account, the higher value - the more translated elements in program's functional you will get.

More details on WooCommerce Store Manager Translation Project are available on the following page:

WooCommerce Store Manager Translation Project